When it is too late for an "MVP"

Back in the time when I worked as the Head of Product at YODY FASHION, I always reacted aggressively to anyone who came up with the idea of releasing the next yody.vn as an "MVP". I also banned the term internally of the Product team. Of course, I have my rationale.

The current yody.vn is a Sapo-based integration that carries all the experiences that the company needs for an e-commerce platform, respectfully. The only problem is that the Sapo-built platform doesn't offer what YODY needs, both short-term and long-term. Therefore, we didn't start with a product idea that needed to be proven for early adopters or beta users. We started with all the initiatives that matched our user needs, both the Operations team and the Customers.

An MVP is just for proving a product approach.

An MMP releases a Kraken into the ocean.

Of course, we will use a go-to-market plan to validate our current product-market fit, some phases of the plan could be misunderstood as the MVP, but they are NOT.

I told my dear product team that our goal is to release a product to the market, not to prove that our approach was right, or wrong. Therefore the "MVP" shit is off the table, my good fellas.

MMP, or we are out.